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The Antidote

From one of my favorite writers and the author of Swamplandia! comes a Dust Bowl saga bursting with energy. The female characters in this novel will have you audibly cheering them on, and love is tested and witnessed in ways that will move you.

Set in the fictional town of Uz, Nebraska, beginning on Black Sunday, Mother Nature is showing everyone who is boss—and it isn't pretty. Five characters are at the heart of this novel about the past informing the present: "Prairie Witch," whose body serves as a crypt for memories people want to forget; a Polish wheat farmer whose luck changes for the better and then again; his orphaned niece, a basketball star full of spunk and rage over her mother's death and a hopeful apprentice to the witch; and a photographer sent by the government whose camera, capable of capturing both the past and the future, threatens to uncover the town's lies and its destiny.

This book is a wonder, and Karen Russell is on fire!