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Like Mother, Like Mother

Grace is one of three daughters of the indomitable Lila Pereira, who rose from an abusive childhood to become a famous newspaper editor. When Lila meets and marries Grace's father, the lovable Joe, she is upfront about not wanting to have children, and he says, "If you have them, I will raise them." He does so beautifully, putting his law practice secondary.

At the heart of this story is something every daughter tries to understand: her mother. How does your past shape you as a person and a parent, and will I turn into my mother one day? (Spoiler alert: yes.) As Susan's editor, Whitney Frick, said, "One thing is for sure, we cannot grow up until we understand the people who came before us." That is exactly what Grace is trying to do. She dives into the generations of women before her to find out if her grandmother was committed to an asylum and died there when Lila was a toddler—or if she is out there somewhere with stories of her own to share.

The lack of sentimentality and sharp-eyed wit makes this story go, go, go—an enthralling read!